Parish of the Hills

PARISH OF THE HILLS is comprised of 2 churches:

First United Methodist (Mineral Point) and Bethel United Methodist (rural Mineral Point). We welcome you to worship with us.


BETHEL UMC 8:30 a.m. / Located on the Corner of State Hwy 39 & County “W”

FIRST UMC 9:45 a.m. / 400 Doty Street, Mineral Point, WI 53565


Weekly Devotional – “A Moment Of Faith”

Click on=> A Moment of Faith: Oct 21, 2024, 1st Cor 12:26-27

Check back here each week for a new Devotional by Pastor Michael. Previous videos & messages are stored on the Devotionals Page. Click Here


10/11/2024 – by: Dan Schwerin – Notes from a Circuit Rider
Care for Clergy in Cross-Racial and Cross-Cultural Appointments

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; If one member is honored,
all rejoice together with it. Now you are the body of Christ 
and individually members of it. (I Cor. 12:26-27)

Dear members of the body of Christ,

Grace to you and peace in the power and love we know as Christ.
I write in deep appreciation of our life together in covenant community, and to ask for your help.

As our news media and social media outlets report an increase of white Christian nationalist rhetoric and some call for mass deportations, we are seeing that inhospitality toward people who were not born in the U.S. and clergy serving in cross-racial appointments is increasing.

I write to make clear that racism is incompatible with Christian teaching. While immigration reform is an important policy conversation, we proclaim that love of God is lived as love of neighbor. The increase in race-based taunting at schools, some people telling our clergy who are here lawfully to go home, harm done to parsonage property, and the backdrop of racist rhetoric impacts all of us, particularly persons of color and especially children. Many of our cross-racially and cross-culturally appointed clergy and parsonage families are experiencing this as trauma and some are reliving previous traumatic experiences in their current context.

I write to seek the help of Staff-Parish Relations Committees and lay leadership more broadly to develop a plan for how we might support and protect our clergy and clergy families as this rhetoric increases anxiety. If mass deportation rhetoric becomes vigilante action, what plans might be in place for safety and security? Many of our clergy have experienced this trauma from previous cross-racial appointments and the current reality is bringing those experiences to the surface.

What can you do?

  • Be in prayer for healing solutions to systemic societal issues.
  • Have a conversation with the cross-racially appointed clergy at the Staff-Parish Relations Committee level. Bring in the administrative council chair and/or trustees chair to hear about this reality.
  • Plan for how to shelter your clergy family if the need would arise.
  • Ask for help from a district superintendent, elder, deacon, or local pastor to accompany a conversation or plan of action.
  • Pray for a spirit of hospitality in your context through your congregational prayers.
  • Show appreciation for your clergy person and clergy families of color.
  • Decide not to be a silent bystander in the face of bullying.
  • Be an ally for the stranger in your communities by means of your mission and ministry.
  • Study the larger systemic and structural elements that maintain racism.
  • Reach out and support each other.
  • Are there vulnerable laity in your context who also need support?
  • Clergy: create a support plan for you and your loved ones.

I believe the body of Christ is the hope of the world. With multiracial leadership, The United Methodist Church is particularly ready to lead evangelically for our time. We are blessed to be in mission with Christ for the transformation of the world in these days.

Thank you.
May grace be in our steps. 
Daniel W. Schwerin, Bishop
Northern Illinois–Wisconsin Area
The United Methodist Church

Saying “I appreciate you” to pastors

October is Pastor Appreciation Month with the second Sunday designated as Pastor Appreciation Day. It is a time to say “thank you” to the people who may be most visible as preachers and teachers, but who, in reality, are on-call 24/7 standing with congregants and others to offer spiritual and other support in times of confusion and transition, times of heart-wrenching sorrow and times of overwhelming joy. They laugh, cry and pray with those whom they shepherd and serve. Say “Thank You”, or Send a note or greeting card … and pray for your pastor.

Parish of the Hills welcomes Pastor Michael Hammond. “I love humor and believe it’s an important piece of armor in the world we live in today.” Pastor Hammond said. “My hope is to help lift Scripture from the page to consider how it applies to our lives today.” He is an avid biker and enjoys reading, photography and music of most styles and eras. The Pastor has two adult children, Nicholas and Alexander.


2024 Newsletter Review

Click on => Mar-May-Jul-Aug-2024 Newsletter


2024 UMC NEWS: To jump directly to news page – Click here

REFERENCE WEBSITES: -Wisconsin Conference website – United Methodist Church News Website – Official website of the United Methodist Church – UMC Resources – a wide range of resource info for Methodists – General Conference Finance and Administration – UMC Support – Providing Solutions, Sustaining Ministries
