Parish of the Hills

PARISH OF THE HILLS is comprised of 2 churches:

First United Methodist (Mineral Point) and Bethel United Methodist (rural Mineral Point). We welcome you to worship with us.


BETHEL UMC 8:30 a.m. / Located on the Corner of State Hwy 39 & County “W”

FIRST UMC 9:45 a.m. / 400 Doty Street, Mineral Point, WI 53565


Weekly Devotional – “A Moment Of Faith”

Click on => A Moment Of Faith: July 23, 2024

Check back here after each Sunday for a new Weekly Devotional by Pastor Michael. Previous videos and messages are stored on the Devotionals Page. Click Here.

Parish of the Hills welcomes Pastor Michael Hammond. “I love humor and believe it’s an important piece of armor in the world we live in today.” Pastor Hammond said. “My hope is to help lift Scripture from the page to consider how it applies to our lives today.” He is an avid biker and enjoys reading, photography and music of most styles and eras. The Pastor has two adult children, Nicholas and Alexander.


2024 UMC NEWS: Annual Conference highlights, Revive!, General Conference – Click here

REFERENCE WEBSITES: -Wisconsin Conference website – United Methodist Church News Website – Official website of the United Methodist Church – UMC Resources – a wide range of resource info for Methodists – General Conference Finance and Administration – UMC Support – Providing Solutions, Sustaining Ministries
