Bethel UMC


“Elects to provide a nurturing place of worship, fellowship and growth for the United Methodist Community and its youth.”

Bethel United Methodist Church
1158 County Road W
Mineral Point, WI 53565

Sunday Worship Time:  8:30 a.m.


2024 Bethel Memories:

Creative Tree decorations by Jennifer Reynolds

Photos by Elaine Schaaf


“What’s Happening 2023” by Cindy Reynolds-Doyle


Mineral Point Gospel Fest Sat, June 17th, 2023. Bethel participated in this community event by having a bake sale stand. Thank you to everyone who helped to support this project. We had a very good selection of baked goods and appreciate the generous donations. helpers managing the stand during the day included: Jeanne Massey, Deb Douglas, Elaine and Dennis Schaaf, LuAnn Jacobson, Julie Reynolds and Cindy Reynods-Doyle. Thanks to Trevor and Melissa Jacobson for delivering a table for our stand. Thanks also to Jeanne Massey for making a Bethel Church sign for display. our bake sale profit totaled $178.80.


We will fill the five baskets on Sunday, following the church service. If would like to donate items to the baskets, please bring them to church. We have a good variety of items collected but more are always welcome. The following people are on our list to receive a Sunshine Basket: (1) Rose Mohlmann, (2) Ralph Freeman, (3) Bob McNeill, (4) Mabel Gribble, (5) Hadie and Leon Stebleton.  If you know of someone in need of some extra cheer by receiving a Bethel Sunshine Basket, please add their name to our list. Thank You for providing supplies for the baskets. Those who have received a basket in the past have been most grateful.


Saturday, Aug 12th, Merton and Nancy Reynolds farm auction at 6458 State Road 39, Mineral Point. The time is set to begin at 10:00 am with the On Point Auction Service handling the sale. Nancy has asked our Bethel Church Family to provide a lunch stand for the day of the auction. Help will be needed in a number of ways including getting supplies, making food, setting up the stand, running the stand, and clean-up.


Over the years this event has been held in late September or during the month of October. It has always been held on a Wednesday evening. The idea of having it on another day,  possibly a Sunday has been discussed. We need to start thinking of what date we would like to hold our Fall Supper / Bazaar and Auction this year. This is a major fundraising event for our church. Suggestions and new ideas are always welcome.


Tribute to Bethel Church – by Cindy Reynolds-Doyle:  A small country church sits alone on a sunny ridge not far from home. A wooden structure dressed in white, stained glass windows reflecting sunlight. The lighted cross sends out a warm glow guiding travelers on paths below. The founding date proclaims to all, since 1880 Bethel Church stands tall. The gathering place for family and friends, fellowship that never ends. Our Christian love uniting us all; together we work to answer God’s call. One hundred twenty-five years of serving the Lord, Bethel Church stands proud in just reward. This proud old landmark we’ve come to know and from its strength we continue to grow.


HISTORY: (Excerpts taken from the Bethel UMC Cookbook 125th Anniversary edition) – Before there was a Bethel Church building, there was a congregation that gathered in the Cold Springs Schoolhouse, about a mile and a half northwest of the present church. Due to large attendances and the inconvenient location, the decision was reached to build a church on the prairie.

1880 – Around May 20, the Ellery Bros. of mineral Point finished building the church at its present site (between Mineral Point and Hollandale at the intersection of Hwy 39 and County Rd W South) on an acre of land donated by the Uriah James Family. Later a vestry was added to the church.

1930 – A kitchen was built onto the vestry and an entry added to the church. Wood stove was replaced with an oil burner.

1951 – Stained glass windows were installed and interior redecorated. A year later, wool carpeting was installed in aisles.

1958 – Basement was created to house the furnace. As the church is built upon a strong solid rock foundation, it was necessary to use dynamite. This resulted in some unintended holes in the vestry floor. Repairs were made to the floor and a new altar table and rail were added. In the same year, new front doors were installed, along with new carpeting, a piano and organ, and a mobile divider for the the Sunday school.

1970 – Bethel UMC joined Linden, Mineral Point, Rewey, Waldwick and Willow Creek to form “Parish of the Hills”. A well was drilled on the church grounds – no more hauling water in milk cans!

1972 – A larger entry was built onto the church. This addition serves as a meeting room so we no longer have to heat the entire church for small groups.

2001 – An addition was built onto the kitchen. This has provided us with more storage and space to work in, which is especially useful for events like our annual Fall Supper and Auction. Along with the new kitchen came something even more greatly appreciated – indoor plumbing! Ramps were added to provide better accessibility. Landscaping was done around the church, which included two rows of irises that greet parishioners each May.

2002-2003 – The UMW (United Methodist Women) created a quilted cross banner which now hangs above the alter.


Original Deed to Bethel Church – January 21, 1880

Thanks to Jennifer James Baker for preserving this document and sharing it on this website.

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